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SPIE Medical Imaging-临床大视场x线多衬度肺成像原型机-X射线光栅

2022-06-15 13:46:31 unistar
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通过将三个吸收光栅与一个医用X射线管和一个医用平板探测器集成在一起,该工作开发了具有高达40×50 cm2大视场的临床X射线多衬度肺部成像原型。除了传统的 X 射线吸收成像外,原型系统还同时提供相位衬度和暗场图像。与传统的基于光栅的相衬成像 (GPCI) 系统不同,扫描对象放置在图案生成光栅 G1 的后面,将辐射剂量降低到可能是原始系统设计的一半。对于快速扫描过程,使用了三个大视场的吸收光栅。此外,X射线管、三个光栅和探测器都固定在同一机械臂上,沿垂直方向扫描物体。开发了一个数值模拟平台来帮助优化成像参数。最后,通过全身麻醉兔的初步实验结果证明了多衬度原型系统的能力,其暗场图像能够为肺部疾病的诊断提供额外的诊断价值。可以在该原型系统上进一步直接评估多衬度肺部成像的潜在临床统一性。



A preclinical large-field-of-view x-ray multi-contrast lung imaging prototype


By integrating three absorption gratings with a medical X-ray tube and a medical flat panel detector, a preclinical X-ray multi-contrast lung imaging prototype with a large field-of-view up to 40 × 50 cm2 was developed in this work. The prototype system provides phase-contrast and dark-field images simultaneously in addition to the conventional X-ray absorption imaging. Unlike the traditional grating-based phase-contrast imaging (GPCI) system, the scanning object is placed behind the pattern-generating grating G1, reducing the radiation dose to probably half of the original system design. For a fast scan process, three absorption gratings inducing a large field-of-view were utilized. Besides, the X-ray tube, the three gratings and the detector are all fixed on the same mechanical arm, scanning the object along the vertical direction. A numerical simulation platform was developed to help optimize the imaging parameters. Finally, the preliminary experimental results of a full-body enthanized rabbit demonstrate the capability of the multi-contrast prototype system, and its dark-field images are capable of providing additional diagnostic value for the diagnosis of lung diseases. Direct evaluation of the potential clinical unity of the multi-contrast lung imaging can be further performed on this prototype system.

Keywords: Grating-based X-ray imaging; Lung imaging; Large field-of-view.


文章链接:Li, Xinbin, et al. "A preclinical large-field-of-view x-ray multi-contrast lung imaging prototype." Medical Imaging 2020: Physics of Medical Imaging. Vol. 11312. SPIE, 2020.


