Enterprise News

CIS (China Instrument and Control Society) set up project to make “Raman Exclusive Instrument” 2 standards.

2015-07-24 09:34:07

        In order to finish the above standard making tasks, especially establishing the work group for standard making draft, the work group list attached below. Hereby, any unit and expert participating in standard draft project, please have a seriousscientific and fair attitude, strugglingpractical and efficient work spirit, so finish the standard making job in earlier time, at the same time, it will become pioneering work for our standard making, and it also will make a great contribution for SAC standard making pilot work and instrument industry professional standard.

Contact: CIS Standard Work Committee

Address: Beijing Haidian Jinqiu national building A-2304

Tel: 86-10-82800385    Fax: 86-10-82800485

E-mail: scis@cis.org.cn

CIS (China Instrument and Control Society)

18th July, 2015

Enclosure: CIS standard making work group list (2)


 Attached list 1.



   Attached list 2.
